Team Time in ‘21

By Christopher Nguyen and Gloria Garcia

Now that we have good COVID-19 vaccination rates among employees at Pickering Labs and less restrictions from the county, we finally got together as a team after over a year of essential work, social distancing, and boxed lunches.  Our breakroom has been closed for months too, so everyone has been eating in their cars or at their desks.  Finally, last week was our first chance to get together as a whole team in the sunshine and fresh air (to enjoy some… boxed lunch LOL). 

Since his hire back in November, Kevin McKeown our new Sales Manager has been remotely working from his home on the East Coast.  Kevin couldn’t pass up a chance to hit California for a week at his earliest opportunity, so we threw him a little [belated] welcome luncheon while he was here. 

Pickering Lunch - group photo 1

Kevin pictured above, meeting Chris and seeing David for the first time since March 2020 at Pittcon.  We wonder… is it any different having lunch with Jim Murphy now that he’s your boss, Kevin?  😉

This was also the perfect opportunity for Kevin and Chris, both pandemic hires, to meet Judy Pickering as well!  She came onsite for lunch and is shown below chatting with Saji, Rebecca and Maria.  Both Gloria and Judy share a love of sunflowers, so we enjoyed some beautiful centerpieces for lunch!

Pickering Lunch - group photo 2

Earlier in the week, Christopher was also finally able to take his Production Team out for a much-deserved lunch!  (Nice of them to invite Kevin along to enjoy good food and even better company.) 

Pickering Lunch - group photo 3

Pictured here: Kevin, Skip, Anita, Severo, Gabriela, Jay, Sareeta, Craig, Ed and Chris.  Good looking crew!